June 26, 2009
I saw Guy play at a blues
workshop ten years ago in kerrville, texas. He
completely changed my view of blues guitar and
infected me with the fingerpicking bug. Just wanted
to say thanks for the inspiration!

June 25, 2009
Why aren't you playing in
chichester/blues on the farm this year? very very

June 22, 2009
hey guy! caught you at the
Ohio River Valley fest in 09 and you were great. I'd
LOVE to get the Chocolate Man tab and chords

June 16, 2009
Gday Guy
Just wanted to let you know
Im getting great feedback about your latest album I
think, and the listeners seem to agree that Sweet
Hannah is one of the greatest songs ever.
Great stuff

June 14, 2009
I saw Guy this weekend at the Louie Bluie festival,
He was wonderful but I could have listened to him
all day & it would not have been enough. I Love
Guy's music. Thank you from the heart.

June 10, 2009
Saw Guy a few years ago in
Aberdeen Scotland and would really love to see the
Loneliest Road That I Know added to the sheet music

June 6, 2009
Hi Mr. Davis,
When I first heard that
amazing voice of yours I
was absolutely floored.
You definitely have the
voice to sing the blues.
That is a true gift. I
sincerely thought you
were some past bluesman
I'd just discovered.
Imagine my delight when
I discovered you were
around my age!! W O
Thank you most
especially for focusing
on country blues. So
many artists are seduced
by Chicago blues and
Texas blues. It's
together heart warming
and exciting to hear
someone who's influenced
by delta and peidmont.
Hallelujah for that!!!
It also inspires me to
focus more on these
important genre's of the
blues. I'm a guitar
player as well. Without
artists like you who
stay true to the first
blues, no one would know
where we're going or
where we'd been!
Keep up your awesome
music. Thank you Thank
you for every, single
Renee B.

May 6, 2009
a new-comer to Blues and the music of Guy Davs.
I first heard of Guy on of all things Noggin.
Yes, Noggin! When i first heard the song about
the New Shoes it just stuck with me. I could hear
the Blu-sey sound. Later, I was listening to
iTunes's radio>Chitterling and was able to
know Guy's name. Very distinctive and
Terrific. I bought my first album, oopies,
CD this year. Very well worth every penny
spent. I got my money's worth thats for sure.
thankful for his musical talent.
always amazed with musical talent, only because I
don't have none, and Guy has it. Keep up the
good work and looking foward to seeing you live on
stage. Coming to central Cali anytime soon?
You can count on me as a loyal listener.
the Best

April 23, 2009
Great music, Guy! I
would like to see
transcriptions of
Come Back Baby,
Cyprus Grove, Driftin'
and Driftin',
Goin Down Slow
and I Believe I'll Lose
My Mind. Particularly
interested in the
slide guitar
for these songs.

April 18, 2009
Hey Guy - I see you're
performing at the
Pete Seeger 90th
Benefit Concert.
I've been a fan of yours
since the late sixties,
when, like every other
girl at Lincoln Farm
camp, I had a major
crush on you.
(I've been a fan of
Pete Seeger's
even longer than that,
though, probably since
before I could read.)
This will be the first
time I get to see you
perform live, and I'm
really looking forward
to it.

April 16, 2009
you've done it again!
Like You," has to be
your best CD yet. The
songs that are written
by you are great, sure
to go down in the
blues hall of fame
and very original,almost
a genre to themselves.
And you do "Sweetheart
Like You" and "Hootchie
Cootchie Man" better
than anybody.

March 19, 2009
I have been trying to
let everyone know how
impressive your latest
recording is. The
Hoochie Coochie Man
is the best rendition
ever and all of Davis'
original songs are
fabulous, especially
Sweet Hannah and I know
Ms. Dee is proud of
Words To My Mama's Song.
Go head on, Mr. Davis!

March 11, 2009
Just had to comment on
your latest CD, "Sweetheart
Like You," it is
fabulous! And your
rendition of
Hoochie Coochie Man
is the best I've ever
heard. Thanks a
million for keeping the
Blues alive and

March 10, 2009
Hi Guy, I was blown away
by your "Sweetheart Like
You" CD. Hope
Redhouse backs this one,
because it should get a
Grammy nomination
for Blues. Saw you
at the Turning Point,
Piermont, NY a few years
ago (Levon
Helm was drumming
for you that night) and
liked you then.
Professor Louie guided
me back to your music,
glad he did.

March 6, 2009
Guy - it was great to
see ya on the January
Bluescruise, and you'll
be back ! ! !
Looking forward to
sayinghi to you and your
lovely lady.
I am the 'white boy'
from Harlem, who spoke
with you around the ship
- was great and thanks.
peace 'n' music

Feb 25, 2009
Guy, heard you for the
first time ever at
Odetta's concert last
night and was blown
away. I love you! Can't
wait to get some of your
cds and start listening
(and singing and dancing
along.) Will be
following you from now
Follow up....right after
I sent the last email I
saw that you are the
offspring of
Ruby Dee and
Ossie Davis! I
worked with your mom
Ruby briefly over 10
years ago, she did a
reading for me of a play
Beeswax. She was
wonderful, an inspiring
actor and a lovely, warm
woman. It was a great

Feb 25, 2009
Caught your show at New
Haverhill, MA
last week; first time
I'd seen you live,
although I have a lot of
your music. The show was
great! I just want to
make a suggestion for a
venue up this way. I
think you would like
playing at Carol
Stone Mountain Arts
Center (SMAC),
Brownfield, ME. This
place holds maybe
250-300, sells out
almost every show, and
has to be one of the
nicest places to
perform, a beautiful
newly built barn with a
great view outside large
stage windows, super
acoustics, dinner
offered at most shows,
and run by first class
people. Check it out if
you haven't yet:
See who's been
there, what it's like,
etc. Just a suggestion,
but in any event hope
you come East fairly
Regards, Ron

Feb 25, 2009
Found your music just
recently and wished to
thanks you. I enjoy your

Feb 15, 2009
I kind of accidentally
stumbled into this great
music, and play
clawhammer style banjo
myself and enjoy it when
applied to blues. i was
wondering if any of the
sheet music includes
banjo tablature?

Feb 15, 2009
Hello Guy,
How are you felling
today ? How is the wife
and kids ? That's if
there is more that one
:-). If you ever have
the time, can you call
my. I would like to know
if you are going to do
some shows in N.Y., And
if so, when will you
have any bookings. Later
for now,

Feb 11, 2009
Just discovered the
music of Mr. Davis
and I ,am enjoying it on
Blues Radio! I can't
wait to get cds.

Feb 7, 2009
I am a huge fan of Guy,
and was a student of his
at the Fur Peace Ranch
in (I believe) 2001.
Several tears ago I saw
him at the Swallow Hill
music center in Denver.
He performed a song
there that was called "In
the Midnight Hour"
(I assume this to be the
title). It was one of
the most amazing and
breathtakingly lovely
songs I have ever heard,
but as yet that
performance was the one
and ONLY time I have had
the privilege to hear
this stunning piece of
music. If there is any
way to find this song I
would be MOST grateful
to know. And Guy if you
PERSONALLY see this... I
was the one with
fingerpicks on all 4
fingers and

Feb 1, 2009
great performances
on the Blues Cruise this
past week. It was
an honor to attempt to
play harp with you and
Doc Alters in the Piano
Bar early one morning.
All the best with your
career. Come on
out to CT. and light up
the stage for us.
Jumpin Jim

Feb 1, 2009
My husband and I just
returned from the
Rhythm and Blues Cruise.
Mr. Davis was an
entertainer on the ship.
I had not had the
pleasure of seeing him
perform before that. I
know that I will never
miss a performance of
his again when he is in
the area. I love his
music, his stories, his
personality and his
sense of humor.
Thank you Mr. Davis for
doing what you do!

Jan 31, 2009
I just heard a song by
guy on wgbh in boston
and it sounded like
there was a mandolin in
it - has he recorded
songs that include a

Jan 26, 2009
i>In the notes
to "Step it up & Go" Guy
mentions various other
versions., "Have you
John Lee Hooker's
"Bottle up & Go?" I
enjoyed Rev Lowry's
invocation at Obama's
inauguration when he
Big Bill Broonzy's
"Black Brown and White"
which echoed Zora's 1932
"Story in Harlem Slang"
Wasn't that cool?

Jan 15, 2009
When you come back to
the UK in Nov 2009,
please come somewher
Chelmsford in
Essex. Saw you at The
Barn in 2007(?) and
loved every second of
your set. With regard to
any sheet music, may I
suggest Let me stay
awhile and Sugarbelle
Blues - two fabulous