
December 24, 2005
Two weeks ago, we presented our first show at
The JCC in Tenafly, as Graham Parker returned to
The Stone House, along with Guy Davis, with both
artists performing solo sets. Graham
alternated between his acoustic and electric
guitars, and his set-list served as a reminder
that he has put together one of the more
impressive collections of material, over the
past 30 years. He even went all the way
back to his debut record, with a terrific
rendition of "Don't Ask Me Questions." Guy
Davis' mastery of the acoustic Blues, blew away
both longtime fans and folks who had never
previously heard of him. By the way, his
most recent CD, entitled "Legacy," begins with a
brilliant song/argument between father and son
on the topic of blues vs. rap. It's called
"Uncle Tom's Dead." Check it out, on Red
House Records.
Stone House Music Club of Tenafly, NJ

November 22, 2006
Dear Guy,
This is Kriss from Poznan. It was very nice
to have you here in Poland, I hope you have
nice memories from here. It would be really
nice for us to have you here one more time.
I will be organizing blues festival next
year and I would feel more than happy to
make you my guest. I hope to hear from you
soon, I hope we will somehow keep in touch.
P.S. Greetings from my family. Maybe Olga
will prepare a cake, maybe blackberry one?

November 21, 2006Guy, your music makes me feel alive!
Thank you for sharing it with us.
We all had a great time in LaCrosse,
Wisconsin on 11/18/05. Breakfast with you
was a pleasure too.
After listening to you play, I'm happy to
report my scurvy is cleared up, my head-cold
is gone plus i somehow can speak 3 new
languages! Your music is magic!
Happy trails!
See you next time...

November 18, 2006
hey guy,
My dad had been a long time fan and just
recently came home with legends. i love it!
iv been playing guitar for a while and iv
really been getting into blues, i was
wondering if you have any tabs that have
been released or anything of that nature.

November 15, 2005
Dear Guy,
The students and teaching staff of P.S. 182
say thank you for a "blue afternoon"! We had a
good old hand clapping-toe tapping-knee slapping
time. You made us feel like we were sitting
around listening to the stories during a family
Know that you now have inspired many students
(and maybe a teacher or two) to play the guitar.
Take care and thanks again!

November 14, 2005
Dear Guy:
My friends and I saw your performance at the
Tupelo Music Hall this Friday night and as I
told you then, it was one of the most incredible
shows I have ever seen. (And being married to a
musician, I have seen many top name bands) The
way you captured the audience with your music,
your voice and your storytelling was just
exquisite. I hope to catch your
performance when you play the Blue Moon in
haverhill in May.
I have already told many people about how
great I think your show is.
The very best of everything to you and your

November 14, 2005
My husband and I saw Guy play at the Common
Fence Point Music Series here in Rhode Island on
November 12. It was a fantastic show. My husband
is the big Blues fan in the family and I was
accompanying him out of (I thought) wifely
consideration. But now, thanks to Guy, I have
been converted. I had never heard acoustic Blues
live before, and certainly never had the benefit
of a performance such as Saturday's Thank you so
much! We can't wait until your return visit to
Rhode Island...which I believe is April 22, 2006
!!!(You are wise to wait until Spring...) Oh! I
also want to say I got the "Legacy" disc and it
is fabulous..and "I Just Can't Help Loving You"
is one of the most beautiful love songs I have
heard in a long, long time. Thank you again.
Happy trails!
Newport, RI

November 7, 2005
Once again you amazed me; caught your show in
halifax on nov. 4th.Looking forward to see you
PS: Still looking for tabs and book more shows in
nova scotia. Deano says Hello

November 6, 2005
Hey, I was just introduced to Mr. Davis' music, and
I am now a huge fan. I seen him at the Savoy
in Glace Bay last night and it was amazing!!!!!!!

October 26, 2005
Saw Guy last week in Basingstoke, England. He
put in an absolutely brilliant performance and
completely knocked the socks off some friends I'd
taken along with me who had never heard him before.
And thanks, Guy, for the impromptu lesson at the
end, showing me the capo trick on the Tommy Johnson
How many other performers would sit a member of the
audience down, put their guitar on his lap and
proceed show where to put your fingers? A true
Very many thanks for a great night, and make sure
you come back soon.

October 26, 2005
Hi. I missed Guy when he was in Australia
earlier this year. He performed the Brunswick
Music Fest the same night I saw Eric Bibb play the
Corner Hotel. I couldn't get to Byron Bay to see
them both. Come back soon please. Big
support down hear for the great bluesmen. Peace.

October 25, 2005
I'm love the way you play Guy, and I love the heart
that you have the songs of old. Don't ever get
discouraged. I'm in France at the moment; fresh from
Montana, where, by the way, you have a lot of fans.
I was looking at your schedule, noticed you where
not anywhere near France. The rural people here love
'story' songs and really appreciate blues. Places
like, Limoges, Toulouse, and south would really
appreciate you. However, just a word to let you know
that you are an inspiration to many....THANK YOU

October 23, 2005
It's a Fall Sunday morning. I was on the
Internet looking for a job and the Encore cable
channel had "Beat Street" (a film about inner
city struggles, breakdancing, hip hop and
graffiti) on and I remember knowing that the
character Double K/Kenny was played by Guy Davis
according to my memorizing the credits (I've
memorized the entire movie since 10 years old).
And since Beat Street is one of my favorite all
time movies, I had decided to see where the
actors are today in 2005, 20 years later. I
researched Tonya Pinkins last year and I know
she's a successful actress and more. Today
brought me to research Guy Davis.
It brought tears to my eyes. For one, the
Encore channel had been repeating a movie called
"It's Good To Be Alive" with Paul Winfield and
Ruby Dee this past week. And that movie captured
my spirit. But the irony is when I researched
Guy Davis this morning and learned that for all
of these years since the days of Beat Street,
he's an established actor and more than anything
a true bluesman musician. A loving father,
founder of a Pacific coast vineyard, a bridge to
racial harmony and the shocker of it all, Ozzie
Davis and Ruby Dee's son!
I've been crying this whole time writing this
passage with the background sounds of your voice
Guy on Beat Street and my heart sweltering with
shame for not being taught nor never knowing
your journey since the days of my favorite
movie. Pride because you are an outstanding man
for all that you've done and continue to
accomplish. Pain, because we as black people in
America have no idea the walls that we build and
destroy. Build for historical value and destroy
because of barriers that need to be broken.
Noone is teaching us who we are individually nor
You, Guy, played a significant character in
one of the streets most historical films
(besides that damn Scarface). Beat Street was
film's inception of Black and Latino's youth.
Our legitimate view of how we turned poverty and
struggle into a voice, art and history which is
now a worldwide culture within all races, creeds
and lifestyles.
We as blacks in America had nothing of our
own without it being destroyed. We, today's
youth, thought that all of our social attempts
to create some sort of respect and identity as a
people in this country was assassinated along
with the very voices that spoke for that cause.
Until, I researched the character of Double K
and found that he's the son of the ROCK (Ozzie
and Ruby) for our people. And with all of your
past and continuing accomplishments, I discard
the shame since I did find out who you were even
if it was on my own. I cry with pride in my
heart. And I've decided to allow the pain to
become a positive inspiration for me and to pass
the word on about who you are as man outside of
the streets knowing you as Double K.
I've been in your world all weekend, watching
your beautiful mother play the hell out of
Brooklyn Dodger, Roy Campanella's wife. And
watching Beat Street, only to find out more
treasures about your life and our Davis family.
Now realizing, being a 30-year young mother
of a 12-year young daughter here in New Jersey,
I have to be the one to teach her the correct
history of our culture. It took me 20 years to
learn about you and I am grateful that the
powers that be drew me to this in depth emotion
and discovery today.
Thank You Guy for your footprints.
According to the Fan Photo Page on this
website, I thank all of the races and people
worldwide that have embraced Guy and us as a
people. We love you for defying the laws of the
unnatural to not hate one another.
Blessings to you ALL!
Thank you SeeAsia for the thoughtful and
insightful piece. I would like to add that
although Guy has become a fan of the "Davis
Family Vineyard" and is currently involved in a
joint project to bring together the wine, the
artistry of yet another Guy Davis and Guy's
music, he is not the founder of the winery.
Please watch the website for the special
collector's edition of the art, the wine and the
Thanks - Linda (Guy's Webmistress)

October 20, 2005
its workin.....its working....party people if
your rock let me hear u screeeeeeeeam and if u
reaaly really came to party then let me hear
everybody...say we came to party ...now heres a
funky beat

October 19, 2005
Thanks for the music.
I saw you play live in
down east Maine last
summer 2004, a
recommendation from
friends who'd seen you
live before. I
purchased your Chocolate
to the Bone album soon
after, and I continually
share it with others.
The line 'Can anybody
tell me where the road
is?' hits very deep - my
wife and I moved from
Ohio to Connecticut
several years ago to
escape my family's
issues - and almost
everytime I hear that
song I pick up the phone
to call my dad. Not an
easy thing to do!!
I just wanted you to
know your music
inspires, and has
meaning in my life.
Good Day,
Erik Hartford,

October 17, 2005
Hi, I managed to wrangle my way into ushering
for Mr. Davis in Slough, over in England. I've been
getting into blues lately, trying to learn some
stuff (and failing). Mr. Davis's set was the most
amazing thing I have seen. I'd heard a couple of
CDs, but live it was amazing. I managed to get Mr.
Davis to sign one of my acoustics, which was
brilliant. Between now (my last year of school) and
leaving university to tour with a band I will be
learning how to play like that. Wow. Next chance I
get to see him I will. Thanks for giving me such

October 16, 2005
Hi Guy .
Went to see you for the first time at the Isle of
Wight concert, England, on Friday 14th October, You
were brilliant, what a class act.
Can anyone advise me if Guy has a LIVE CD or DVD
available in England or the USA.
An evening I will never forget.

October 15, 2005
TORONTO, Ontario is waiting for Guy Davis so bad!

October 12, 2005
Hello Guy or Linda,
When will you come in Europe and specially in
France or Belgium ? Love & take care !

October 1, 2005
I teach music to kids (as well as perform).
I'd love to have a book of your songs transcribed.
I'd like to sing them with my kids and arrange some
of them for my chorus. (possible some day soon?)

September 29, 2005
I am a teacher of third
grade students. I have I
have heard your song,
We All Need A Little
More Kindness in This
World, on Sirius radio.
was wondering about
getting this on CD so my
students could sing it
at our winter program.
If this is all right
with you, where can I
get the song?
Thank You, Nancy
The song is from the
Teaching Tolerance
campaign and they have
made a teaching package
available to teachers.
Please visit the link
below. If you would like
more info from us,
please feel free to
email me and provide me
with your email and I
will respond to you
Linda (Guy's

September 28, 2005
Thanks hugely, Guy, for your visit to Dole's Ridge
Farm and the Buntings this last weekend on Sunday
9/25. It was an honor to have a chance to meet you
and speak with you, and way more than heartwarming
to sit on the grass and listen and groove to your
second set (wish I had caught the first one!).
Thanks for autographing Legacy for me. I read that
you mostly taught yourself the guitar, but learned
finger pickin from a nine-fingered dude on a
train(?). Man, that's the thing I want so badly, to
be able to just start a groove with that pickin.
That's what I hoped I'd get when I went to Paul
Rishell in Cambridge last summer, but I have trouble
learning some things, good a teacher as is Paul!
Anyway, I'm pretty determined, and I'm certainly
gonna live long enough both to learn that, and then
enjoy knowing it for a good long while. Thanks
again, I look forward to seeing you again, and maybe
I can play some harp for you then.
My very best,

September 27, 2005
Hello from the Shetland
Isles, Scotland
Saw Guy at our 2005
Shetland Folk Festival
and wish to express my
thanks for comming over
to a small island
community. Legacy is an
amazing CD. Makin
contact with Red House
Records to see if we can
stock your CD + others.
Best wishes

September 19, 2005
Hi Guy,
I 'm a very big jazz enthusiast and I must admit
I've not heard very much blues, however, I'm open to
any music and was wondering when would you be
returning to the New Brunswick, NJ area? I'd
love to hear/see ya.
Thanks, Lilly.

September 16, 2005
Nosing around after being absolutely turned-on by
your outstanding performance "Under the Stars" in
Upper Merion (near Philly) last Sunday. Thank
you very much and hope your son finished his
homework that night in the car.

September 13, 2005
Guy, Your song with Deborah Coleman was the best
harpin' I have seen you do!! All of your harp
playing is great but that was just plain
outstanding!! You two laying on that stage jamming
was a lifetime memory!
Little John

September 8, 2005
Thank you Guy for the
inspiration in playing
and teaching at the
Acoustic Guitar camp in
Alaska. I really enjoyed
what you do and it was a
pleasure spending time
with you and watching
you hone your art. You
are a treasure of blues
and the stories that go
with the songs are deep
and powerful.
Thanks again,
Tom (lefty)

September 7, 2005
Hi there in New York! I saw you, Guy, on the TV
programme called Metro, when you were in Slovakia.
That was absolutely amazing!! I love blues, I love
bluesmen and I was really impressed. I live in
Slovakia but I hope to go to US when I finish school
(but I'm just sixteen now). Now I'm gonna try to get
your cd somehow, but that might be problem here, in
Slovakia, I think. Anyway, I haven't seen any guy
like you, I could feel indescribable feeling when I
heared you talking. I wish you the best, Guy!

September 2, 2005
I had the privilege of hearing Guy sing and play,
and joined him for a tune behind the scenes at
Bigton during the Shetland folk festival earlier
this Year.
He was good enough to give me a copy of his CD
"Legacy" which I really like, and although Guy
wouldn't take any payment for it he asked me to drop
him a line sometime. Well, I'm as good as my word,
so please pass on to Guy that I'm still pickin' the
5 string banjo and wonder how "JUBA" and Guy are

August 20, 2005
I saw you today at the
Madison Ribberfest and I wish I would have bought
your CD But I will be getting one soon. You are the
best bar none. Hope to see you again soon. Keep up
the great work.

August 15, 2005
I happened upon a free Guy Davis show in Miller
Square, Chattanooga a few evenings ago. I couldn't
believe my luck! I sat transfixed as he played
fingerstyle (and slide) acoustic blues in the style
that I aspire to play. In fact, I went straight
back to my hotel after the show and worked out the
fingerstyle melody to "Chocolate Man." Two
problems: I don't play nearly as well as Guy and I
need to change the lyrics to "Vanilla Man"--but they
don't fit the meter very well.
Guy's originals (Pay Day, Chocolate Man), while
expressing his own talent and creativity, are a part
of a seamless whole that includes many great players
in the past, all the way back to Robert Johnson, Sun
House and others.
Perhaps my favorite part of the show was when Guy
said he was going to "reclaim the banjo for the
black man" and added that he got his first banjo in
the 1960s, "a time when the last thing a black man
should be seen holding is a banjo." He then
proceeded to play itand play it well.
Incidentally, I was already falling in love with
Chattanooga. Their hosting Guy Davis cinched it.

August 9, 2005
We're looking forward to
your show in Chattanooga this Friday night.

August 8, 2005
Really enjoyed jaming with you at the Edmonton folk
festival. Take care,

July 24, 2005
I saw you last night on the green in new haven, and I
rushed to get a copy of "legacy", before you opened for blues traveler I
never realized how great your show could would be, I'm looking to see when
your going to be playing in CT again, hopefully soon, plan on me being

July 20, 2005
Here's my "same name" story.
My last name is rather unusual so I never expected
to find someone who shared it, who wasn't a
relative. So, back in 1978 when I was young and
foolish, I was hitch-hiking around Norway, from Oslo
to Bergen. I got a ride from a guy who, in the
course of exchanging niceties asked me my name. I
told him and he immediately pulled the car over to
the shoulder of the road and asked "How do you write
it?" Then he proceeded to tell me that his wife's
maiden name was Grinderud and they had a new baby
daughter named Susan with a middle name of Grinderud
-- and there you have it. There has always been a
bit of a mystery about where "Grindrod" was from, so
it was kind of cool.

July 15, 2005
Dear Mr. Davis-
I send you this email to share about how your
music personally has touched my life, and now that I
see that your father has passed, it is all the more
touching. You see, my father passed away on October
31,04'. My father was a lifelong harmonica player,
and while he was a straight harp player, he greatly
enjoyed good blues harp, and acoustic Blues in
general. I started playing guitar about 15 years
ago, my Dad really dug that, and we played a lot
together. While very often didn't see eye-to-eye,
music was something that was a strong common bond. I
played your cd "Bring Down The Thunder" for him a
number of years ago, and he fell in love with it.
Since then he was a fan. On his Birthday, Oct.
24th,I got him your new CD "Legacy". He absolutely
LOVED it! He really liked the song with your son,
and I think I can safely say that he totally GOT IT.
That was quite serendipitous, as he died one week
later. Your cd was the last thing that we listened
to together. i couldn't imagine a more suitable
musical work for that occasion. I would like to
offer my condolences about YOUR Dad. I'm sure you
miss him very much and feel proud to be the son of
such a great man. With love and appreciation-
July 11, 2005
Guy like the music can you do a longer tour in
austrlia next time not just the capital city

July 9, 2005
I was given a copy of "You Don't Know Me" for my
birthday. GREAT!!!

July 3, 2005
Guy, Just a short note to let you
know how much I love LEGACY. I sure wish you would play
somewhere around Detroit or Ann Arbor. I can promise you
that I would bring at least half a dozen friends with me
if you did. I'd make sure that Robert Jones knew about
it too. Your friend and fan, Skip Reed

June 27, 2005
Guy, my wife and I saw your
performances at the Old Songs Folk Festival. We also
attended your "How To Play the Blues" workshop where we
were amazed at the speed with which you had everyone
there, (everyone who had the forsight to bring their
guitar to the festival, that is,) playing a blues
sequence and sounding pretty good. Those were some of
the best 45 minutes of instruction my wife and I have
ever experienced!
Much to our surprise, we note that you will be
playing at the Common Ground On the Hill Festival soon.
We had already planned to attend but now we are even
more thrilled by knowing we will have the opportunity to
see your performance again.
Thanks for all you do!
Allan and Carmen

June 22, 2005
Hi there, Saw you at The Shetland Folk Festival this
year and you were an absolute joy to my ears!
I see
you're coming back to the UK in october...do you think
you could squeeze in a scottish date, Maybe Edinburgh? I
hadn't realised you had some scottish dates directly
after Shetland, if i had i would have definitly come to
hear your wonderful stories again.
REALLY hope you can make it up to Bonny Scotland
again very soon. Loadsa Love and respect
Louise x

June 18, 2005
I am a kindergarten teacher in Rye New Hampshire and my
class learned Guy's song "We All Need More Kindness in
This World". I taught them the song and the sign
language to it. I have them performing it on DVD and
would love to send a copy to Guy if that is possible. We
also used the song on DVD when we interviewed the kids
what their wishes would be for the world to be a better
place. His music plays while the wishes are revealed.
It's very sweet!
I heard Guy on WERU in Blue Hill Maine and now I am a
total fan. He is awesome!
Love to get a reply!

June 16, 2005
I was just turned on to Guy's music.....AWESOME!!!

June 14, 2005
Me and my family love your music, our faverote songs are
'pay day' and 'uncle toms dead'. my uncle plays the
bango, guitar, mouth organ, and vocals in his band . he
sings bluegrass he sometimes covers your songs, but he
mainly does pub gigs. i would like to know if you are
doing any gigs in england at any time because me and my
family would love to see you perform live?
cheers, joe (leicester, england)

June 12, 2005
This is one of the best story telling, high energy, one
man shows that I have seen!! You left goose bumps on my
arms!I have seen you perform at Stan Rogers folk
festival and when I heard you were going to play at the
Savoy I ran and bought the first ticket front row seat
and all I could say was WOW! Keep up the Great work and
keep pickin' & a grinnin'

June 12, 2005
Guy Davis performed with
great spirit and style
last night despite the
hot and humid New
Hampshire conditions.
His booming voice and
fantastic instrumental
talent was exciting and
kept me glued to my seat
despite the oppressive
heat. I loved his
stories and his gracious
manner...he's worth
seeing and
hearing...thanks again

June 10, 2005
Gosh, Guy, you are really great. You are so damn human,
and it shows in your voice. Hope you have a great
career. Did you ever think of doing
a few covers of Jimi Hendrix, who was a great
bluesman and who is sorely missed and so castles
made of sand, slips into the sea, eventually? For
get I said that. You got to be you and you are
great. What can you do? Quadruple platinum? You
deserve it!

June 5, 2005
Just a short message i'ts always a pleasure to listen to
your music. A lot of your songs passed my radioshow "29
Ways" here in The Netherlands.
Good luck and hope to shake hands in the near future.
Take care!
Jos, Arnhem, The Netherlands

May 29, 2005
Hi Guy
Just want you to know how much we enjoyed your
performances at the Shetland Folk Festival this year.
We were the three San Francisco folks, including my 83
year old Mom, who were always in the front row cheering
you on. You are amazing. Thanks for the little musical
hello our way at the Foy. Throughout the festival,
people were talking about how much they enjoyed you and
we have been enjoying your cds ever since. I hope that
you return to the San Francisco Bay Area soon; you have
new fans here. Guy, we've loved your amazing parents
for decades and you've done them proud. We love ya!
The best to you,
P.S. We're looking forward to a future recording of
"The Chocolate Man".

May 29, 2005
Guy Davis played at the Sound Lounge couple of months
ago in Currumbin on Gold Coast in Australia. It was
appreciated by everyone and still spoken about.
Phenomenal man, great music, and lyrics with heart. I
bought Legacy and worn it thin! I have discovered blues.

May 27, 2005
My son and I love your song "I Wiil Be Your Friend"
which is on a children's CD we have. I will now have to
buy one of your CDs. I'm also a professional musician,
and I have to tell you that song touched me so much that
I cried the first time I heard it. There is just an
honesty about it. Thank you so much!

May 25, 2005
I caught your show at the Blue Note on 05/24/05 not
knowing what I was getting. It was great. I appreciate
what you do and hope you keep it up for a long time.

May 24, 2005
Guy Davis keeps the blues alive! A family trauma
prevented me from seeing Guy recently in Ashland, Oregon
but many of my music buddies did and were wowed. One
fellow attended a seminar with Guy, and I was surprised
to find out that many of othe little blues licks I
frequently add to various blues songs have names, or
nicknames. After a close review of this website, I
cannot find anything about that. Will a time come when
Mr. Davis will post a little 'Blues Glossary' of some of
that information about blues slang? I truly hope so! Or
maybe a new link on 'Favorite Links' to a website that
discusses this? Otherwise, keep on pickin' and grinnin'!
All best, Red

May 21,2005
Hello there Guy:
Well, we have just returned from the Shetland Folk Festival
and wanted to tell you how great it was to see you in
person. We three loved your performances. As I guess you
noticed, everyone else simply loved you over there too. I
know you met so many people, so just to refresh your memory,
we were the three from San Francisco who were always up in
front cheering you on! My 83 year old Mom simply loved you
and I want to thank you for being so sweet to her and for
giving us that little "harmonica acknowledgement" at the
Sunday afternoon Shetland Hotel concert. I'll always
remember that and, of course the big smiles and big hugs. I
am so happy that we were able to see you in Bigton and at
the Shetland Hotel foyer too . . . oh and don't forget on the
ship back to Aberdeen. We hope that was a better "ride" for
you than the one over.
We hope that you will find your way back to the San
Francisco Bay Area in the near future because we'd love to
see you. What joy you bring to those around you. You have
done your amazing parents proud. Thank you Mr. Chocolate
Take care and know that we are thinking of you.
In Peace, always,

May 19, 2005
I really enjoyed your performance last night in New Brunswick at
the State Theater. It was fun and entertaining. I wish we could
have heard more. Good Luck with your tour and hope to see you

May18, 2005
First, I would like to extend my condolences on the passing of your
father, I have been a fan of both your
parents for a long time....he will be greatly missed.
Prior to tonight, May 18, 2005, I have to say I never heard of
you...went to see B.B.King, and BAM there you were...I can say I
left a fan. Sorry your CD's didn't make it, but off I go to the
record store tomorrow and I
will be tapping my feet to your beat about this time
tomorrow.....and yes, some white people do have "soul"
Italian in the house here......God Bless and take care.

May 18, 2005
Hi Guy,
Thanks for Legacy. Please keep Uncle Tom alive!
I'm looking forward to see you at the crossroad (Jegelscheune) in
Wendelstein, Germany.
All the best
Fritz, Nuernberg, Germany

May 17, 2005
Just a quick thank you for all the performances
you did at the Shetland folk festival, my wife and i were lucky enough
to see you at "White Weasel", Clikimin and the community centre where we
were fortunate enough to chat with you almost every night. "Legacy" is
fantastic, it has re-invigorated my soul. On a personal note, my wife
and i were married last year but due to an illness that took her mother
from us we did not have a wedding reception at the time. Last weekend,
our first anniversary, we had our reception with all our family and
friends. Our first dance on the evening was "I Just Can't Help Loving
Chris Powell

May 16, 2005
Thank you Guy for a fantastic night's entertainment in Belfast on 14th May.
Despite a poor turnout you put on a remarkable show. You are talented,
professional and above all have a real warmth that comes across (with a
glint in your eye!)
Next time you come to Belfast I am going to get as many people as I can to
come along and get you the sort of crowd you deserve. Dance like a chicken!!
Alan Leitch

May 16, 2005
Hey Guy,
Caught you at the
soundlounge Currumbin
before bluesfest at
Byron Bay,heard you on
local radio and
cd(chocalate to the
bone)live you made the
music come alive,caught
all acts at Byron loved
them all,dont leave it
to long before you
return,a dvd would be
Ian & Heather, Gold
Coast Australia

May 16, 2005
Great gig at Uley, wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else that night.
Thanks for playing Long as you get it done. See you in Cheltenham UK in
Jon Marsden
Bristol UK

May 13, 2005
Hey there! The names Matthew and I am a DJ at a small radio station in Ely
MN--- Myself and many folks up here in the frigid north and big fans of
Guy. "Legacy" had got to be one of the best albums in my humble opinion in
the stations library. Keep up the great work Guy and try to get yourself up
here in Ely sometime. We have a large music community up here. When it's
-45 degrees, there isn't much to do but pick and grin.
Acoustically Yours,
Matthew Fetterer
Music Director
Disc Jockey "Crossroads"

May 12, 2005
Have a great day Guy, today is my birthday too!

May 12, 2005
Greet Guy !!
With opportunity of birthdays a lot of , a lot of health.
Successful concerts , beautiful music.
It greeting from Poland (Polska)
P. S.
I have to you request. I ask write back.

May 11, 2005
I would like to thank guy for a such a great night at
the white hart inn sussex he created a warm atmosphere a real gentlemen .
sound man was excellent thanks.

May 11, 2005
When people we love go they stay forever in our heart.
We can restaured all their live, we can recues all their feeling, we can
life with the essence of their roots. And that is great. With love, love,
love to you Guy and all that you have received and represent. And your voice
must be clear and softly and happy because all, here and there, ALL are very
close of your soul.
From Valencia (Spain). Sorry, for my English.

May 11, 2005
I saw you play at the Shetland Folk festival 10 days ago and i thought you
were truly brilliant! The song about the train and the comvicts and the dogs
was the highlight of my weekend! I have been listening to your album
'legacy' non-stop since then and it is one of the best cds I own. Thank you
very much for coming all the way to Shetland, and we hope to see you back
here as soon as possible.
P.S. Thank you for showing my friend up on his didgeridoo! He was getting
too big for his boots! It was so funny seeing the look on his face once you
had finished. And to think we were about to put it away. Thank you again

May 9, 2005
I too was at the Exeter gig and was transfixed by the
performance. I have been a fan for a while but never been lucky
enough to see you perform live. You make the songs come alive with
your storytelling. More importantly was the trouble you took to
personally thank all the audience individually. You are a true
gentleman and it was an honour to have been present.
Please return soon.

May 8, 2005
Just got back from the Exeter concert for mums birthday treat! You
blew us away. Have seen you before but it was particularly touching at
such a difficult time in our lives.
Thank you so much for your wonderful music.
Dan & Eleanor

May 6, 2005
It was wonderful to hear you at the Shetland Folk Festival last weekend.
You have a fantastic voice which has been described to me as round,
chocolatey, like velvet and mahogany. Your song about the "home cooking" is
very entertaining and when you sang "Chocolate Man," I said to my partner I
like this man more and more!! It was great to see you jamming with fellow
musicians and taking turns about the floor, much to the delight of the
ladies! We bought your CD Legacy which we have enjoyed listening to. I
look forward to you recording "Chocolate Man" Has the one about home
cooking ever been recorded?
Best wishes

Just had to thank you again for an amazing night at the Maple Court Hotel in
Inverness! As I said to you afterwards, you made our wedding anniversary
very special indeed!!
I was blown away by your music and your chocolatey voice - I just love
chocolate! Alastair appreciated your playing Highway 61 which brought back
memories of his playing days - I must persuade him to get his guitar out
more often.
What a fantastic night - a true performer and a gentleman. Please come back
to Scotland very soon.
We send you our very warmest wishes,

May 5, 2005
Hey sir, I was watching "Beat Street" today and I thought I look you up.
I'm so glad that you have continued in performing arts. Whenever you get a
chance I would love for you to post a message on my "Beat Street Fan Page."
It's brand new and i don't have much info on it yet but I'm sure that the
fans would love to hear from you. Oh, i also added a link for your site on
it under "Links."
Also, I have my own site which I'm promoting my new book of poems. Check it
out and I'll see you when you tour San Francisco.

May 4, 2005
Guy-Cool site. Good Luck!
Thanks Bob...
Linda (Guy's Webmistress)

May 5, 2005
I'm from denver CO and i am transfixed by your music. I saw a concert of
yours late one night on out local station. The following week i did nothing
but fingerpicking blues. I've worked out most of the songs on Legacy( many
with harp. and everything). Anywho, thanks for playing olde timey music. I
play mandolin and guitar in the olde time vain so i know where you're coming
from. It's really great. By the way on " Things about coming my way", isn't
that the same song as " Sittin on Top of the World"?
Take care and peace love and blues

May3, 2005
Splendid night at Clickimin Lerwick as part of the
Shetland Folk Festival. We loved the voice and the Cd too. Hope you come
back to these wild shores. Best Wishes and good luck
Peter and Kate

May 2, 2005
Just had the pleasure of listening to Guy at the
Shetland Folk Festival... fantastic..we look forward to seeing him back very
soon....Let us know when I'm the chocolate man" will be on cd ... loved it.
Pat Burns

April 30, 2005
Hey Guy,
What a wonderful show you put on in Green Lake, my son has been singing
"Pay Day" & "Shortnin Bread" all week long! You definitely have a new fan.
Great show and super musicians backing you up, come back soon!

Just saw Guy at the Shetland Folk Festival last night. What can I say, been a fan for a while and it was truly excellent. He is one of the hits of the festival and I hope that Guy enjoyed it as much as us.
I that Shetland is a long way to come but it is one of the most special musical places on the planet.
Please come back and do a solo concert or at the very least another festival.
Unfortunately my son had to leave early as he has a school exam today, but I know he would have really enjoyed seeing Guy. Just have to hope that he willbe playing around the Festival club at some point on Friday night or on Saturday.
Thanks for coming over Guy and letting us see the Blues played with such style.

April 27, 2005
Hello Guy,
I wanted to write and say how very much we enjoyed your music last Sat. evening in Green Lake, Wi. the 3 of you Blew Us Away with your energy and your talent! Thank you so much! It is always food for our souls to spend an evening with folks that are so dedicated to their art, as well as " the forces of good"...
It was not until after the concert that I looked up your website and learned of your talented, committed family. I will be requesting the resources on teaching tolerance, and will get them to our school district here.
I hope is not too long until we can see you again. All the best, and thank you!
Ann Pahlas

April 25, 2005Guy,
My wife and I just had the pleasure of seeing you at the Thrasher music hall in Green Lake Wisconsin last Saturday. (I am the one that asked you to please come over and tell her how old you will be very soon .Because I knew she would not have believed me.) What a performance we witnessed and excellent show you and your fellow performers put on .Even your son, who was very nice and made sure you talked to everyone before you went back to the food. Loll. What really struck me was not just the showmanship you put on .But also how you came out during intermission and made yourself accessible to your fans. Thank you for the experience and the soulful night . God bless you on your travels through the world to spread the heritage and spirit of the music.
The Wilsons

April 25, 2005
HI Guy
I first heard Guy and Nerak Roth with Ian Anderson here in Wisconsin in the summer of 2003, and have just been waiting to see then again. listining to there C.D.'s is great but live is the unbelievable. We were thankfull to Guy and the High Flying Rockets to take time out of thier Europe tour to play here at a small theater in Green Lake Wisconsin. Guy as always the true performer played his heart out for four hours with only one twenty minute break, and the added bonus of Nerak left the crowd stomping for more. Can not wait for them to swing through Wisconsin again.
Walter Romenesko

April 24, 2005
I just have to say how much I enjoyed your concert at the Thrasher Opera House in Green Lake Wi last night. You are a wonderful story teller who has that wonderful gift of inviting your audience into these stories. My thanks to you and I hope to see you return one day. You remind me alot of Eric Bibb, so it would be great to see you both together!

April 17, 2005
Hi Guy,
I saw you at the Bruswick Music Festival earlier this year and just
wanted to say that everything that is written about you on this fan page
is true. I only heard your music for the first time last year thru a
friend. After listening to Chocolate to the Bone and reading this page, I
wasn't going to miss your appearance. Thank you for being as good as
you are. Your music is heartfelt, warm and strikingly authentic.
Hope you come back to Oz soon.
Peter Pavlovic

April 15, 2005I'm just listenin your new cd and its just great,no more comments exept that i wanna thank u for a beautiful-bluesfull concert in Bratislava,come here again, great guys Guy, glad to met u!

April 11, 2005
Dear Guy,
It was great to see you in Bratislava! Almost three hours of pure blues, that was really something! Hope this was not your last back-to-the-roots gig in Slovakia!Waldman

April 11, 2005
I just wanted to say how wonderful I think Guys music is, I caught him at the Blues festival in Byron Bay this year (2005) and how brave I thought he was touring even after the tragedy in his life. Your wonderful Guy, and thank you for still coming. (I would send the picture I got of you and Eric Bibb with me but someone took my camera!)

Now, a few days gone by, I'm back to my everyday routine but I'm still under impression of that great blues evening in Zagreb, Croatia. The one we don't get enough around here.
I enjoyed 100% during the entire show although my favorite part of it was when you were performing solo. But that's my taste in music. That's the way I love to listen to the blues the best. A man/woman, and emotion.
So thank you Guy for feeding my soul with good food, and for me feeling good long after the show was over as I carry the picture of that evening with me.
And it was really nice to meet you too.
I'd love to enjoy your music more often and I sure hope to see you again.
Best heart wishes,


One of
in my

8, 2005
Dear Mr.
you for
in the
Vienna Reigen!
gig was
and I
feel so
that you
CD for
my mum's
I saw
that you
been on
a thight
and my
wish to
you to
had to
for your
visit. I
hope you
play in
us a
you for
to music

7, 2005
Zagreb I
you if Rev.Garry
Davis is
to you.I
he is.
Keep on
to all

for a
at the
guy in
you so
you so

April 6,
Dear Guy,
Pure Blues.
Finally! In
Thanks to
the promoter.
I don't know
your family,
I don't know
about you, I
(thanks to
my friend
Sandra for
this), but I
recognize a
nice soul,
care for
other people
and specially
the language
of the
In the Chain
of Love your
link is
strong and
powerful and
so I wish
that the
Bird of your
Heart touch
a lot, a lot
of other
Thank you
for great
evening, for
kindness and
warmth, for
all good
things you
bless your
I hope that
God will
cross our
paths again.
God bless
you on your
Best wishes
from my
heart to you
and your
great crew
"Dancer at
the table"

April 4, 2005
From Ireland, live in
Dallas. Big fan of
Guy's. Wondering if
there is anywhere to get
guitar tabs of Guys.
Inspired to improve
guitar playing after
listening to him.

April 1, 2005
restored my
faith in

29, 2005
Guy, I
saw you
for the
time at
You blew
me out
of the
of the
I was a
huge fan
of your
did I
know how
is. If
this and
need to
see him
Guy, I
will be
you this
in New
to it.

March 21,
Just back from
performance at
"The Harp" in
Sydney (my first
pub gig). Sorry
we had to leave
early. At only
11 years, I
thought I did
pretty well to
last until
11pm!! That
shows how much
we enjoyed it!
Look forward to
seeing you again
next time you're
in Sydney. (We
are sad to learn
that your Dad
passed away
Sounds like he
was an amazing
PS I looked at
your tour
dates. You're
in Vienna on my
birthday!! Have
a great time.

Meeting you and
hearing you play
your music at
the Port Ferry
Folk Festival
has left an
indelible impact
on me at a time
of great soul
searching in my
life. You
showered me with
warmth, honesty,
generosity of
spirit and your
music touched my
heart as it has
so clearly done
for many people
around the
world. Your CDs
are being
Thank you for
being my angel
and for giving
me so many
messages through
your words and
your music.
Looking forward
to seeing you in
Melbourne very

March 11, 2005
Guy, My husband
and I heard you play
at the Alberta Bair
Theater in Billings,
Montana last weekend
where you signed a
CD for my son. Your
music has been going
non-stop in our
house ever since.
Thank you so much
for sharing your
amazing gift with
us. We'll
definitely be
watching for you to
come back this way!

March 10, 2005
Hi! I just scored a
copy of "Legacy".
Great Album!!!
I am trying to
figure out the
tuning and capo
setting (if any is
uesd) for "Long As
You Get It Done". A
great tune that has
all the makings of
the early greats!!!

March 8, 2005
After just spending a
very enjoyable evening
with Guy and Ann Rabson
at the Myrna Loy in
Helena, Mt. we came away
impressed and in awe.
What a talented couple.
Guy certainly has a
grasp of the blues and
his deep throaty voice
along with the talented
finger pickin was
certainly a treat. Come
back to Montana soon,
we'll be there.
Rusty Wrigg/Jan

March 7, 2005
Dear Mr. Davis,
Last night I saw you
perform at the
Myrna Loy Center in
Helena, Montana. I
wanted to say
something after the
concert, but I was
spellbound; and plus
there was a string
of people after me
waiting to have
their cd's signed.
Now that I've had a
night and a day to
think on it, I
wanted to say that
your music was
invigorating like
something coming up
through hard rock
layers from the core
of the earth. You
commented on the
thin air here in the
mountains, and it
feels like your
presence brought
more oxygen to this
place. Something has
been ignited. Truly,
last night I
couldn't go inside
when I got home. . .
I had to keep
walking and walking,
breathing and
breathing. Thank
you for sharing your
tremendous gift with
us. I look forward
to seeing to you
again someday.
Best heart wishes,

March 7, 2005
Dear Mr. Davis,
I've long been an
admirer of your
music, and had the
great privilege of
hearing you sing
(and getting my CD
autographed!) when
you played at the
Greenbank Folk
Society in Canada
this past fall.
So I was doubly sad
to hear about the
death of your
father. I never saw
him act in person,
but many times on
television. He, like
your mother and you,
has an innate talent
for really
understanding other
people, even when
their background and
their experiences
might be quite alien
to his own. He also
radiated the dignity
of the human spirit,
that innate spark of
greatness that makes
people persevere in
the face of every
evil and wrong that
the vagaries of
human nature can
throw in their path.
My heart goes out to
you and your family.
Even while I am
grateful that the
world knew a man of
Ossie Davis'
stature, I realize
that you and your
family grieve a much
greater loss.
I wish you strength
and serenity.
Victoria Wilcox

March 7, 2005
Hi. Not being
really familiar with
your music, I saw
you (Guy, if you
actually read these)
at the Hard Rock
Cafe in Mtl at the
Folk & Blues
Conference two
Saturday's ago. Not
affiliated with the
music industry,
really went there as
an old fan of the
Strawbs but, was
captivated by your
music. Just a
simple thanks and,
if you would care to
drop me your mailing
address, I would
like to send you a
cheque for your
music, ya know, the
downloaded shared
stuff which
monetarily by-passes
you and your
industry. Just a
token of my
appreciation and a
big thanks.

March 6, 2005
Dear Guy,
I'd like
to express my sorrow
over the passing of
your father.He was a
great man and he
must have been
incredibly proud of
you. To say I love
your music would be
an understatement-I

February 21, 2005
I am from Scotland
currently resident
in the USA.
I grew up on folk
blues like Bert
Jansch and Brownie
Mcghee. When I saw
you show on PBS it
was just great. You
are a diamond in the
rough. I will be
adding you quickly
to my cd collection
and buying more when
I wear them out.
Please come to
Pittsburgh soon.
all the best
Richard Finlay

February 20, 2005
Love listening to your
music. I am from Ireland,
now resident in Virginia and
adore the blues and admire
people like you who keep it
alive and write new songs
(as well as play and sing
the classics so
beautifully)which move me
more than any other music
can, for example The Road
Keeps Calling Me.
My deepest condolences on
the death of your wonderful
father. I lost my mother
recently and know what the
loss is like.
John W.Ludgate

February 17, 2005
Muhlenberg County, Kentucky
is one of the great
wellsprings of American
music. Near the beginning of
this century, a handful of
local guitarists such as
Kennedy Jones, Arnold
Schultz and Amos Johnson
began playing the guitar in
a picking style that
utilized the right hand
thumb to play a heavy
four-beat rhythm on the bass
strings while the first
finger played melody. Mose
Rager and Ike Everly, father
of Don and Phil Everly,
further developed the style
eventually known as
“thumbpicking” into a
highly polished method of
playing everything from folk
songs to blues to Tin Pan
Alley tunes. Rager and
Everly were mentors to
dozens of guitarists in and
around Drakesboro, Kentucky,
including a young Merle
Travis, who brought his own
genius to the style and
popularized it throughout
the world as a Capitol
Records recording artist and
Hollywood film star.
Travis’s fame and the
continued influence of Mose
Rager cemented thumbpicking
as a well-established
musical genre that continues
to attract a growing number
of guitarists from Kentucky
and elsewhere. The
performances compiled for
this DVD by guitarist Pat
Kirtley represent the best
of today’s Kentucky
thumbpickers. Players such
as Bob Saxton, Maurice Jones
and Moon Mullins have been
playing the style since
Travis first became a star,
while others such as Paul
Moseley, Steve Rector and
Kirtley are a new generation
of thumbpickers putting a
subtle, new spin on the
music while remaining true
to the original sound. Like
bluegrass, country music and
zydeco, thumbpicking is
unique to America’s cultural
landscape and it is the
musical pride and joy of the
place where it all began
Muhlenberg County. However,
the story does not finish in
this outback county. It
spreads further afield to
the Southern Hemisphere,
Terra Australis. It is here
in this remote country that
the pages of fingerstyle guitar history are
continuing to be written on
a new continent, by a young
debonair hot shot guitarist
from Down-Under by the name
of Mago Dei Maghi Magoo who
is now thrusting the
thumbpicking world style
literally on its head, in
a new creative
universe. Unlike the
fore-runners Merle Travis,
and Chet Atkins, the Mago Dei
Maghi guitar style goes by
the name of digit-thumbpicking. It`s
style totally opposite to
the thumbpicking where the
thumb plays the alternating
bass or has Stefan Grossman
calls it `the boom-chick
style`. Digit-thumbpicking
allows the index, middle and
ring fingers to rest on the
basses and to strictly play
the bass notes while the
thumb now in its reverse
role, plays the melody, or
takes the lead.
Guy Davis is
the first living bluesman to
marvel at this new style by
the Mago, a style that
questions the very
conventional nature of
modern guitar and the
fabrics of playing
fingerstyle guitar from
classical to jazz to blues
to country and strikes at
the ready heart of our musical
Mago Dei Maghi Magoo

February 17, 2005
just finished telling my
friend about seeing you last
night in Tampa. She said I
gave her chills just talking
about the experience. You
and that unseen crowd you
had surrounding you. One man
can fill a stage. Thank you.

February 17, 2005
am writing from Tucson,
Arizona. Please bring your
music to the desert.
There are no scheduled
appearances in Arizona at
the moment but please keep
an eye on the schedule page,
we are constantly adding new

February 15, 2005
just saw Guy last night at
UWF in Pensacola. I was
already a fan of his music,
now I'm a fan of the man.
What a great presentation!
I bought the "Legacy" CD and
inside it said the lyrics
could be found on the
website. Where? I'd like
to have them. Please advise
and I'll be greatful.
keep an eye on the website -
we will be posting some of
the lyrics soon. In the
meantime, the lyrics are on
the liner of the cd.

February 13, 2005
I saw Mr. Davis perform at a
Unitarian Church in
Wellesley, Massachusetts a
couple of weeks ago, and
meant to write to say how
much I enjoyed his concert.
We were the crazy people
near the back with sleeping
children on our laps at
10:00 at night. I also
wanted to recommend a CD for
Mr. Davis to check out:
"Poor Man's Troubles" by
Bruce Molsky. I also had
the good fortune to see him
in concert, and I think Mr.
Davis would appreciate his
repertoire of folk music,
and his incredible
musicianship on guitar,
banjo and fiddle, as well as
his powerful voice.
Then today at church we were
told that the wonderful Guy
Davis is the son of Ossie
Davis, and so I felt
compelled to finally send
this message, and to add to
it the sympathies of all who
were touched by his music
that night in Wellesley.
I'm sure that his music is
helping him at this time.

Why can't i find any of your
song lyrics on the internet.
I'm looking for the words to
Just Long As You Get It
Done-Guy Davis.
Thank you!
keep an eye on the website -
we will be posting some of
the lyrics soon.

February 10, 2005
Discovered "Call Down the
Thunder" about 1997. I was
traveling with my sister
along the North Shore of
Lake Superior (Minnesota).
We stopped at gift shops
after checking out the
scenery from Gooseberry
Falls to Tettegouche. One of
the stores had "Call Down
the Thunder".
Total impulse buy. Not sure
what set it apart from the
others...maybe the cover
shot? Now that I think of
it, the store owner may have
let me listen to it, or at
least recommended it.
Anyway, I don't remember
listening to the the CD
until I got home (Spring
Valley, WI at the time).
"Call Down the Thunder"
became a favorite. We played
it at work all the time.
Something about the music
just connects...in a very
engaging and absorbing way.
I should say that I am not a
musician and I don't have
any training in art or
music, although I am
appreciative of the work Mr.
Davis and others do and hope
they continue to be
So...for whatever it's worth
(so many years later), I
have always thought "Call
Down the Thunder" was a
great album and it has been
a lot of fun listening to on
my own and sharing with
Holly Wallace
Austin, Minnesota

February 2, 2005
Guy-thanks for making my
40th birthday go down a
little bit easier! My
husband and I saw you at
Jazz Alley in Seattle on
1/19/05 and enjoyed your
performance. We will look
forward to seeing you again,
and tell our blues lovin'
friends to check you out.

February 1, 2005
Greetings from Yellowknife
Guy, sure was nice to have such
a fine blues act in the knife.
Hope to see you again someday.

January 21, 2005

January 20, 2005
there are memories which i hope
run through my head in the final
moments. Your performance is on
my wish list, I know then i will
go to a better place with a
Thank You.

January 16, 2005
been trying very hard with my
guitar teacher to write some
kind of sheet music for my
favorite song "see me when you
can." I'm hoping to learn it so
I can play it for my family when
I'm home next. My grandmother
just passed away and I've always
felt your lyrics encapsulated
her attitude towards us as we
each went our own way to seek
our fortunes. I was hoping you
could tell me of any special
tuning you used to make the song
easier to play. I have the
version of the song my guitar
teacher and I cooked up from
listening to it, but I don't
think it's right because we're
all over the fret board and it
isn't comfortable to play like
most other blues songs.
Anyway, if you could help I
would be sooooo appreciative.

January 10, 2005
I just
bought the CD "Sing Along With
Putumayo" and absolutely love
your version of "I will be your
friend". I am a beginning
guitarist and would love to
learn the chords for that song.
Any idea where I can find them.
PS When are you touring in

January 10, 2005
State of West Virginia recently
had the pleasure of welcoming
Mr. Davis. For many of us this
made our New Year. The gift of
his music made the mountains
(and our car CD players) ring.
I have never before written a
"fan letter" but knew this
occasion required one. Your fan
in Romney.

January 10, 2005
Im a
58 year old john hurt/gary davis
style finger picker and i just
wanted to say im glad you are
out there to show peaple what my
favorite guitar style is all
about. thanks. btw: i just
listened to uncle toms dead and
it made me laugh out loud!
thanks again

January 9, 2005
I've still got the blues running
through my head, woke up this
mornin' but couldn't get a foot
out 'a bed... Guy stomped the
rain away from Westminster last
night, I listened from front and
center, now everything seems
right, but I just can't
concentrate...can't think
too much swirlin' round up
Guy, you put on a wonderful
show. For 3 hours, I thought I
was in heaven, or something real
close to it.

January 4, 2005
I have
nothing but raves for Guy
Davis. Ironically, it is hard
to find words to describe
exactly why. Maybe, because as
he describes it, is comes from
the soul. It more of a
feeling. His songs have soul,
through and through. And, I was
impressed with his friendliness;
he was very gracious in signing
my cd. In the many many
concerts I've attended of
various genres, Guy's tops them
all! Words won't say why, but
we all know!

January 4, 2005
could you advise me of Guy Davis
has made any DVD's, my dad is a
great fan and I have just bought
him a DVD player for Xmas he
would really like a DVD by Guy

December 30, 2004
have had the fortune of seeing
Mr. Davis in the various places
that I have lived in the past
several years: Vermont, Seattle,
Mass., New York, etc..I first
fell in-love with his music in
college at the University of
Vermont and had the pleasure of
meeting Guy at a local bar in
Seattle. I now find myself back
in school in Denver and every so
often I find myself looking into
the local entertainment schedule
to see when Guy might make a
showing out here. Any answers?
One of the best little known
Jazz bars that I have ever been
to is right here in Denver, el
Chapultapec. I would love to
someday see Mr. Davis perform
here. Thanks for the time. All
the best...

December 25, 2004
Every song you sing is like a
present to the world, thanks so
much for all of them. Can't
wait to see you in Green Lake,
WI. Until then, carry on and
keep on doing what you do.
Happy Holidays to you and your
loved ones.
Curt Dahl

December 24, 2004
Close your eyes, close that
door. You don't have to
worry, anymore. I'll be
your baby tonight.

December 20, 2004
I was
told a couple of years ago from
someone at Red House Records
that Guy Davis had an album on
Folkways record label. I would
like to know if this is true and
would like the name of the album
and how to aquire it if possible
because I'm a big fan. I'm
looking forward for your
response about my question
Thank you.

December 17, 2004
Finally got hold of your Legacy
cd: Fan-tas-tic! love all the
songs, the Lightnin Hopkins tune
stands out for me for now (great
how you mix hopkins' - rather
different guitar style - with
your own subtle picking!) but
this is the kind of cd that will
give me another favourite song
every week.all the best,

December 12, 2004
Mr. Davis
I stumbled over your album "Butt
Naked Free" by chance one day
while listening to a blues
satellite feed. I heard "Aint no
BluesMan" and ordered a copy to
hear the rest of what you had to
offer. What a find!
Last January my son was
diagnosed with a serious brain
tumour and subsequently
diagnosed with cancer. My son
came very close to death and is
now slooowly recovering and will
be recovering for quite a while
yet. Your words in the song
"Sometimes I wish", and "SugarBelle
Blue" came to express many of
the feelings and events that
were seizing my life and the
life of my son at that time. It
is indeed curious how you can
write a song for the goings on
in your life, yet they could
ring so true for the life of
another. I cannot thank you
enough for that. I dont know how
the song writing process goes,
but it obviously has a touch of
magic to it, in that it has
dovetailed into our lives like
you were writing for us. Your
album has become a staple of my
life. I still often listen to
that disk and it helps me
remember just what has gone on
in this very difficult past
Again, thank you, Sir, for
putting to song the words of our
Yours truly
Gerald Beaudoin,
Havelock, Quebec, Canada

Last year I saw Taj Mahal and
got the idea, for the first
time, what the blues is all
about. Last night I sat in
front of you in a yoga studio
(!) in Shelburne Falls, MA . I
have to tell you that your
stories and your music lifted me
right out of my white skin.
(HEART) Iris ;-)

December 11, 2004
I first heard of you from the
recent article in Acoustic
Guitar magazine. I was surprised
to see that "Black Betty Bamalam"
is the same type of guitar as I
have, I bought mine in 1963. I
recently had to have it rebuilt
as the tail stock came loose at
that time I had a pickup put in
it. There is no other 12 string
guitar that sounds like these
I'm glad to find out that a pro
is playing one. Looking forward
to hearing you play it.
Jim McKnight, Toronto Canada

December 6, 2004
Wow! I just had the sublime pleasure of seeing Guy Davis, along with
the very
talented guitarist Roth Patterson and the vocally gifted Vance Gilbert,
at Dayton's Canal Street Tavern. It was an incredible show, and a
great venue. I'm used to the kind of concert where the performers
are teeny
dots on a distant stage, so it was quite a treat to see Guy perform in
a place where you can sit not one yard away from the stage and where
you actually get to meet and talk to the musicians (and even buy them
drinks). Vance, whose music I'd not previously heard, sang an a cappella
spiritual, sans microphone, that left my ears (and soul) tingling.
(The man could easily have a career in opera.) Roth's searing electric
guitar solos were accomplished with effortless grace. And Guy, well, my
superlatives fail past "freakin' awesome," but you were great!
Before I
heard Guy's music, my main exposure to blues had been through Eric
Clapton and the Chicago style, and while I enjoyed both, there always
seemed to be something synthetic about it, an emotional disconnect that never
resonated with me. Although I'm not African-American, my family has
roots both rural and Southern: my grandmother grew up in Kentucky
in a town called Hell for Certain, and she can tell you what possum tastes
like. My mother spent a good bit of her formative years in Georgia,
where she shopped at the "Ay and Pay." Maybe this is why, when I first
heard Guy's music on "Butt Naked Free," it struck a chord deep in my
hindbrain that said, "THIS is it. THIS is how BLUES should sound."
And, like
so many things that you didn't know existed but that you
realize you've needed all your life, I couldn't get enough. I
listen to Clapton and Keb' Mo' and other blues artists, but Guy's
music will
always be the touchstone to which I return.
Guy, it
was such an honor to meet you and to hear your music in person.
Thanks for
sharing your gift with us all.
Yours, Jessee Smith and Gene Kritsky (a.k.a. "The Candyman" ;-)

December 3, 2004
Hey Guy Victor ! I finally
looked you up on the web ! You
is a busy traveling man. We
shall continue to keep you in
our prayers sir. Stay well my
friend. I love you & miss you .

November 22, 2004
Hi Guy- I've seen you a number
of times here in rochester new
york doing some great Gigs. I
just bought the legacy c.d and
it stands up to all the past
material as great stuff. I like
the mix of traditional and fresh
new blues music.Was that your
son raping with you in "uncle
tom is dead"? thats a powerful
song. Good luck with the
new c.d
john demanchick

November 22, 2004
Mister Guy Davis,
Maybe you remember me from last electronic interview in spring
2004. I only would say that your portrait is published in Back To The
Roots magazine May 2004. I think (and hope) that it was an
honest portrait, but it is in Flemish (Dutch), so you can't read
Last I was listening at your songs in Mol, Meulenberg café
(Belgium). I have really enjoyed your music in your
two-hours-long-blues-singing act, very emotional. Also I appreciated your humor and energy
full way of playing. But sad to hear that your grandma Laura died this year. My condolences. I loved the song 'Grandma is dancing' very much but also
your chosen Skip James spiritual.
I hope to hear and see you again in Belgium. You was to
tired , that was why I wouldn't embarrass you with questions again. I am to
shy for that and my speaking English is not good enough.
Again, many greetings. Thank you for all your beautiful
Mieke Geukens

November 22, 2004
Say Guy
What about getting out here to the Cave Creek Coffee Company in
Arizona? These guys get the very best and have a loyal and
intense crowd or 200 or so.
Seriously great creds have played there. And we'd love to see
Eric Gilchrist

November 16, 2004
Hi Guy! You might remember me. I'm the guy from Fur PEace with the
World Trade Center song, Walking in the Dust. I want to tell you that
I've written a few others since then, two of which are inspired by you.
I'm really looking forward to seeing your show at Tilles Center on Long
Island on 2/5/05. It's the first time I've been able to catch you in a
long time. (Last time was at Brokerage Club).
Anytime you have some done time in NYC area, let me know. I'd love to
get together, chat, have coffee, pick a bit, whatever. Hopefully, your
time and my time will coincide.
Peter Carter
November 14, 2004
Hi there! I've been a fan for a few years now, I've loved everything I've
heard from Guy....wonderful talent...and I'm so pleased to hear he's
visiting us here in Ontario Canada. I'm so excited that everyone here is sick
of hearing me go on about it - lol. Thanks for the music Guy!

November 11, 2004
Hi Guy,
Thanks again for your great
performance at the Muziekcafé
Meulenberg in Mol (Belgium).
Everybody had a wonderful time
and you surely made a lot of new
fans. You're not only making
people listen to your music, you
also make them feel your music
and that's what makes you a
"real bluesman".
We wish you good luck!
Jo Verboven

November 11, 2004
Thanks Guy for letting me sit in and play your beautiful Gibson in Mol
(Belgium). You are a blessing for Blues music. I heard lots of people
in the audience say they'd never before felt blues so genuine and real.
And this is for all the cats in the world: keep away from Mr. Davis! :)
November 8, 2004
Guy was brilliant in antwerp belguim The blues like it is. My only critical
point there were no cds for sale. Hurry back guy, this world needs the
blues & remember 99% one half wont do.
November 8, 2004
Hi Guy,
I have the luck to see your show at Oudenaarde Belgium and i was very
pleased to see that you keep the lamp burning for all these big bluesman
who passed away. You're so big in what you're doing and i wish you all the
best and hope to see and talk to you again!!!
Noël De Wulf

November 2, 2004
I just missed your
performances in Calgary this
past weekend but I sure hope
when you come through this way
again that I can attend your
performances! I met you briefly
after your sound check at The
Minstrel in Kelowna, B.C. and
would have loved to have stayed
to hear you perform...the C.D. I
bought is great fun to listen to
you and now that I have
discovered you and your music, I
will keep my antennae up. My
very best wishes for your
continued success!

October 29, 2004
you in Port Dover Nov.18.
Looking for your cds is hard up
here, I'll be buying a few at your
show. I don't have em all yet. Hey
ever think to open a web store? see
We do sell the Cd's off the website -
Thanks for your support!

October 28, 2004
I see
in february you all will be in
knoxville tn. I hope I can get
there. Please come to nashville,
I really enjoy listening to guy
davis on cd's. I have and
am looking for the new one. Live
music is where its at so
come to nashville if you can. Thanks
for the music!

October 26, 2004
Hello Guy,
I saw some of your interview in
Vancouver with the CBC's Vicky
Gabareau. I did not have a
chance to hear you sing. Why
not have a clip of music to have
interested web surfers hear your
songs? I don't know anything
about your sound and wish I had
a chance to hear your voice when
I looked up your Legacy and
other CD's on your websit.
Have a great day

October 18, 2004
I was thrilled by Guy's
performance at the old Masonic
Temple in Winona. MN Saturday
night. I have been a blues fan and
have been playing the blues (pickin'
and grinnin') - for years and to
hear such extrodinary and exciting
talent was like heaven!!!! I was in
a trance all evening. Thank you Guy
for being who you are - one of the
true and outstanding greats in the
world of blues. God love ya!!!!
Al Beth

October 12, 2004
Mr. Davis
It was my girlfriends
idea to help keep me going since my
husband passed away earlier this year.
However, at the last minute, she became
ill and I was left to attend your
Lansing, MI concert alone. When I
arrived and realized I was not just
alone, but seated against the wall in
the very front row; I went back to the
door with every intention of leaving.
After peeking at your schedule, I
realized just how blessed I was to be
able to enjoy you since it seems you
will not be anywhere near Lansing, MI
anytime soon. You were absolutely
awesome and I am all the better since
seeing you and enjoying your work so
very, very much. I am a singer and
theater director here in our small
community and you have inspired me all
the more. God bless. P.S. You weren't
bad on the eyes either.:-) Keep up the
wonderful work you do, you inspire many.

October 12, 2004
Andy and I had a great time with you
and Roth in Jackson, Ohio the other
night. Wish I could have a recording of
"red rooster" from it all. Thanks so
much for letting Andy play a few songs
to "open". You're encouragement and
advice to him is truly precious and
inspirational. Its rare to have met an
artist so genuinely interested in his
audience. I'm guessing you knew the
name's of most of us before you left.
*smile and thanks for the cigar. We'll be
looking for the next opportunity to be
with you and hear your music. If not
before, next year at Yellow Springs,
Ohio with you and Roth. God Bless you,

October 10, 2004
We just want to say we saw Guy Davis in Bellows Falls,Vt. USA
and his performance was spectacular. We had never heard of him
and read he was blues and so we stopped in the Windham to check
him out. What an excellent treat for two hard working moms to be
able to go out together and see him. It was really great and you
ROCK!!!! Are you going to be in Vermont or Massachusetts anytime
soon??? We would love to see you perform again. Thank you for a
wonderful evening!!!
Gail and Kalinda

October 9, 2004
Hi There
You're cd is in the october edition of
the "Euro Americana Chart".
Check out :

October 7, 2004
Congratulations ¿when are you comming to
Mexico, please don´t forget us, here, below
California, are too many fans of you, we will be
happy to have you here.
Your Blues is great!!!

October 6, 2004
Love the new CD - Legacy. The first track (Uncle Tom's
Dead) is killer. Guy hits the issue point blank and
does a great job of it. This, along with many other
tracks, is featured in our bluescast. Thank you, thank
you, thank you
Mark Alestra - ABS Bluescast www.absbluescast.com

October 4, 2004
I bought "Butt Naked Free" a few years ago because I
couldn't resist the title. Now I can't resist buying
more Guy Davis CDs! It amazes me how his music can echo
so many archetypical chords while at the same time being
so fresh and creative.
I see by the schedule that Guy is coming to Dayton in
December...can't wait to see him in person!
Jessee Smith, Cincinnati, OH

October 4, 2004

October 2, 2004
I just read the article on Guy Davis in the Oct. issue of Blues Revue
and I applaud him on his statement,"..Part of me wants the word 'nigger'
to be as puzzling and as strange as the first weeks after the World
Trade Center towers came down." Being a "true school" hip-hop fan and
lyricist, I resent the way that word has become so commonplace in hip-hop.
I am currently serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom, in Samarra, Iraq and
hope to be returning home soon. I have much to talk about, and I'd like to use music as my medium to express. Truthfully, I know precious little about the music business, and I would hate to get swallowed whole in the complexities before I get to
say anything. Please help! Oh, yeah! That was HIM in Beat Street? Gotta
watch it again then. I was only nine then. Thanx!
Darryl Kelly

Im just a really big fan from Halifax, Nova Scotia and
wanted to say that I really loved your shows here at
Bearly's last year. Hope you come again soon anf before May
too. In fact you better come here. Keep up the good work

September 27, 2004
We were really privileged to see you at the Blues on the Farm in
Chichester last year when you did some songs with Eric Bibb.
Being big Bibb fans we'd gone to see him, but came away wanting
to see much more of you! We loved your style. When are you
coming to the UK again?

September 27, 2004
I saw Guy perform in Melbourne Australia a while back now and I
want to know when he is coming back...

September 24, 2004
Hi I bought your cd legacy last Wednesday. Before I've never
heard about you. Sorry. I have a small pub in Leper a small
city in Belgium. I play that cd since a few days and all of my
costumers are really quite fond of it. It is very nice music.
Thanks a lot. And PLEASE if you are ever in my country inform

September 18, 2004
Guy, when are you coming back to California? I will never
forget the wonderful experience we had with the
benefit fundraiser you did for the Northern California CIBI
(Council of Independent Black Institutions) schools in the Bay
Area back in 1998!
Nobantu Ankoanda
Currently, Guy is not scheduled to perform
in California. However, please keep checking the schedule page,
it will be updated in the near future. Thanks for your support!

September 15, 2004
there, I'm just putting together details for a show upcoming
with Guy Davis in Sudbury, Ontario on Friday November 19th.
I will be promoting the show at St. Andrew's Place. 111
Larch St., Sudbury. Tickets will be available at The
Townehouse Tavern (705) 674-6883 and Records on Wheels (705)
675-6617. They are $15.00 including taxes. the doors will
open at 8:00pm with the concert starting when everyone is
comfortably seated. The venue is 400 seats. Tickets go on
sale Friday, September 17th.

September 14, 2004
Well, great to hear such talent! Our school currently sings
along with your song I Will Be Your Friend as we begin our new
school year and start our Helping Hands initiative to help those
that are less fortunate in our community. We would love to stay
in touch with you!
Anita Walton, Antheil Elementary School, NJ

September 11, 2004
I will be checking out one of Guy's shows in Alberta, but I
would love to send my parents to see him in Saskatoon. Any idea
when a venue will be chosen and where I can get tickets from?
We are in the process of updating the
schedule. Please visit the site often and keep an eye on the
schedule page.

September 9, 2004
I saw Guy on public television
randomly a few nights ago and was intstantly hooked. The
great talent which he has for the different intruments which
he plays is something wonderful to hear and see. I give him
the upmost respect and hope to see him continue to create
these wonderful songs

September 8, 2004
I just want to thank red house
records for sending us here at KGPR 89.9 FM Great Falls,
Montana Public Radio Station the Guy Davis CD("Legacy.") It
is one of thwe best I have heard in a very long time. It's
about time some one put out a good blues cd. With the best
I have ever heard as far as banjo, and guitar; and throwing
in the best singing to top it off with. Without a doubt the
best blues CD I have heard in a long time. Just so you know
it is going to get a lot of air time here at our station
which is: KGPR Great Falls, Montana Public Radio 89.9 FM:
Our Address is:
2100 16th. Ave.S.
Great Falls, MT. 59405
Robert Heryford
Thanks a bunch Robert - Guy really
appreciates your support!

September 8, 2004
Hey Guy
You rock man! I really enjoyed taking your Blues Workshop at
the 1st Annual Guitarbeque in Asbury Park, NJ and I really dug
the show as well. I hope to see to play again soon!

September 7, 2004
Hi there,
I saw you in Ayr at the Abbotsford hotel you
were magnificent. When will you be back in Britian?
Thanks so much for your feedback. At
the moment Guy is not scheduled to be back in Britain, but
please check the schedule page periodically to find out when Guy
will be back in your area.

September 7, 2004
My name's Gianluca Diana, from Rome--Italy.We met at this
summer at Trasimeno Blues festival. I interviewed for my
radio program "Mojo Station" for Radio Città Aperta from
Rome.Tomorrow night (wednesday night, italian hour 11
p.m.-01 a.m. , i will broadcoast your interview and i'll
make special a 40 minute special about you. I hope you could
listen to the program, on the radio station web-site. Take

September 7, 2004
I saw you awhile back at the fur peace ranch when you sat in
with sonny landreth and cindy cashdollar. I was really
impressed with the songs you played. you added alot of
energy to the show. I thought it was cool that you broke
away from the guitar oriented songs to play a banjo tune and
one on harmonica. I wonder if jorma knows how crazy it gets
at the ranch when he leaves. Banjos and harmonicas
onstage... what next??? hehehehe. You definitely made it a
very fun and memorable evening.
I just got chocolate to the bone yesterday and I haven't stopped
listening to it yet. I like all of the songs on the album, but
"tell me where the road is" and "right on time" are my
favorites. Great timeless songs. I hope to see ya the next time
you pass through ohio. Keep on pickin!

September 1, 2004
I love the song 'honeydew melon rag' and i would
love to learn how to play it, but i can't find any tab or sheet
music on the internet. Where can i get some?

August 26,
Went to see
guy in the Queen’s Hall in Edinburgh and was blown away. Was
curious to find out if he’s going to release scores for all of
us wannabees to try and emulate him. If no, can he give me a
hint as to what key/tuning “honeydew melon rag” or “Georgia rag”
are in to get me started!
Oh and what
kind of guitar(s) does he play?

August 22, 2004
We saw Guy
in Longwood
Garden last week and been very pleased to see him performing right in front of
us. He is one of the best we ever heard in a live show, but the
only one expressing his views and dedication for peace in the
world to come. We were kind of squeezed between two fountains
coming - from up or down..., but happy that the show had been
moved inside cause we finally had enough time to meet a brother.
Salut mon
frère! Your good!

August 20, 2004
Hello! Who thought up the 5 questions for Guy to answer?
They were asked by Blues Access
magazine during an interview.

August 11, 2004
Hello, will he ever come to Poland?
Blue- eyed Aggie
I'm not sure when the next
eastern Euro tour will happen, probably next Spring. Visit our
website and check the schedule link often - Thanks
Tour Schedule

August 2, 2004
I see that guy has a gig in Sudbury Ontario Canada on Nov.
19/04 and was wondering if he has any other stops in
Northern Ontario around that time. I live about 150 miles
from Sudbury (in Sault Ste. Marie) and will definitely make
the trip unless he'll be playing somewhere closer to Sault
Ste. Marie Ontario. Thanks.

July 31, 2004
I just picked up your CD, Legend, and let me tell you, it got me on a
huge blues kick. I can't stop listening to it!!
I am an avid guitarist and love your stuff.
Age 14

July 29, 2004
Guy, your show in Appleton, WI about a year ago really opened me to
your incredible talent as a musician and songwriter. Man, I
don't even know what to say...
See you in Madison and Chicago!

July 25, 2004
I'm from Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy.
Yesterday night I saw your performance in Narcao. Let me say you
gave me a great emotion. Many thanks!
Luigi Pala

July 21. 2004
Awesome picking where can i get your cd's
got to have it
You can buy cds right off this site on
the discography page!

July 10, 2004
Hi Guy,
Please accept my highest congratulations. You are a
fantastic bluesman and you always give me wonderful
God bless You.
Roberto Boini

July 8, 2004
Just saw guy last night on KET (Northern Kentucky's public
televsion). What a great concert he put on. Could you pass
on Guy's upcoming tour schedule, I don't see anything listed
under the schedule link in the website. Thanks
July 3, 2004
Guy - PLEASE cut a DVD of your Fishy Waters show, then when
you go on tour to promote it, play San Diego!
Mark Buckles

June 28, 2004
Hi Guy,
We saw you play at Blues at Pumpbottom Farm yesterday, 27th
June. We have most of your cd's, so it was great to hear you
live. Even more so as you sang two songs from your Chocolate to
the bone cd, Step it up and Go, and Limetown, both of which I
sing lead in our up and coming jug band. We do this for fun.
Your musical talent is amazing, especially as you play both
guitar and harp together and the highest level.
We will see you again!
Paul & Sonya, Gillingham, Dorset, England.

June 21, 2004
Hey Mr. Davis,
It was great to see you at John Randolph's memorial. And I've just
listened to the CD and it's really marvelous. Very relaxing,
familiar and beautiful to listen to. I just got a lot of work
done(writing) while it was on the machine. Do you know my friend
Nick Katzman at all? He used to record with Kicking Mule, but many
years ago moved to Germany where he actually enjoys a busy career as
a blues performer.
Anyway, great to be in touch, keep up the great work, and please
let me know what you're up to. Best to the folks(always great to
them too!)
Joe Gilford
Brooklyn, NY

June 21, 2004
Hei Guy. We are Teresa and Isabel from Valencia (Spain)
(2002), Last year we couldn't see your performance, in Black
Note Pub, because we were on holiday. What a pity! We want
to know if you have planning to come to Valencia this year
or only to Andalucia. We would like to sent you two
photographs but we don't know how to do it with this format.
Two blondes blondies that wish you

May 31, 2004
How wonderful that we, fans, can leave feedback
now. When I was in a CD store over a year ago, I heard a voice
that sounded very familiar. Thought it was a new Taj Mahal
CD.... Went up to the counter and asked about it. Nope: Guy
Davis. Sorry, Guy, but I didn't have a clue then. Decided
immediately to buy the CD "Give in Kind". Absolutely smashing.
Great artist with a voice that goes straight to the heart. I
introduced the CD to a friend who always tips me about concerts
and last February he told me that Guy would give a concert in
Amsterdam on May 6th. We went to the concert with a few
friends, including my 16 year old son! We really had a marvelous
time. That's what music is all about. Someone with a great
voice, good lyrics, a guitar, a harmonica to take us on a
musical journey. Such a pity the show was only 45 mins.
Afterwards we bought "Chocolate to the bone" and Guy was there
to sign it and talk with us for a couple of minutes. What an
incredibly nice person. We DO HOPE Guy will be back in
Amsterdam SOON for a much longer concert. Very sorry to see on
the tour schedule he won't be playing in the Netherlands coming
months. And… wish I could attend June 6th when there is a double
bill with Chris Smither, who is a favorite of ours as well!!
Keep it up! And keep us posted!
Love from all.
Janica (my 16 year old son),
& Jules (my concert companion)

April 24, 2004
I am polish photographer and I work for "Twoj Blues" /Your
Blues/ the only
polish blues magazine. I had possibility to see and hear Mr
Davis during his
concert in Sumeperk at Czech Republic. I am realy impressed.
At the concert I made couple photographs of Mr Davis and I'am sending two
of it to you.
Maybe you will place it on Mr Davis's web site.
With best regards,
Adam Pasierski

February 25, 2004
I am creating a music related web
directory - http://www.the-music-directory.com - (A
collection of links to music related websites and
newsgroups.) and I would like to
include your website http://www.guydavis.com/.
Thank you, Mike Eduards

February 11, 2004