Dec 11, 2008
Come on out and visit
western Massachusetts,
we are starved for some
good blues!

Dec 10, 2008
ts over two years since
you last played in
Norwich UK - Its time
you returned

Dec 4, 2008
Just to say my wife,
Barbara, and I travelled
to see Guy in Corsham UK
not really knowing what
to expect having heard
just a couple of his
tracks on the radio. The
evening turned out to
one of the best we have
had in terms of pure
Blues music; listening
to a man who is not only
a superb musician and
vocalist but someone who
obviously believes in
what he is performing.
What a refreshing change
from all the amplified
rythmn and blues and
just great to hear all
the stories behind the
music. Sheer class.
Phil Collins,
Hertfordshire, UK.

Dec 3, 2008
Hi Guy,
I saw you last week in
Corsham, UK. You
blew me away, if I can
ever play a guitar half
as sugar-sweet as you I
shall die happy. Thank

Oct 2, 2008
Just a quick note,
please say to Guy that
me and Febrizio Poggis
(the harmonica player
from Italy who played
with him at Piacenza
Festival in Italy) saw
him at our
at our
national tv on the David
Letterman yesterday with
Pete Seeger. It was
Thank you alot for your
kindness! Have a great

Sep. 29, 2008
Good afternoon,
I have enjoyed you music
every since I listened
to it at a Zora Neale
Festival down in
Eatonville Florida. I
was looking at old
movies that other day
and couldn't believe
that you were in
Beat Street, and
did an awesome job if I
do say so myself. I know
that Atlantic records
had planned to release 3
volumes of music from
the movie but only
actually released 2. I
was wondering if there
was any chance of you
remembering the slow
song that you and Ms.
Chong danced to in the

Sep. 29, 2008
Hello Guy:
Just wanted to let you
know that I love your
music. I was actually
introduced to your music
via my college
mentor/second mother
Lucia Desir (yes, Lucia
who is married to
Wilfrid). I play
country blues guitar
and am trying to get
into blues banjo,
mandolin, and ukulele. I
am inspired by your work
and I thank you for
sharing your talent with
all of us. Keep it up.

Sep. 27, 2008
HI guys.
..I've had the good
fortune to see Guy twice
now and I will be in
Membertou on Nov.13th
also. I am a blues fan
from the word go and it
is great to have a major
talent like Guy come
down our way. I just
wish he could get here
more often as blues is
not one of the premiere
forms of music down here
in ole Cape Breton.
However we do have a
cadre of dedicated blues
fans and I'm sure
they'll all be at the
show with bells on. Keep
that music coming.

Sep. 15, 2008
Hello Guy,
I wanted to say that i
am a huge fan of yours
that came about from the
1984 time of Beat Street
the movie. I myself like
alot of music right
across the board i also
play guitar and attempt
to write a few songs. I
do have a question but
do appreciate that you
are now concentrating on
being a professional
musician. My question is
in the film Beat Street
when you
slow dance with
Dawn Rae Chong what is
the title of the song
and who performs it? I
have tried to find out
this information but to
no avail.
If at all you could
inform me then i would
be most grateful.
Keep playing

Sep. 15, 2008
I am a big fan and Guy
inspires me to pick up my guitar. .I would love to
get hold of "Chocolate man" on tab or sheet music.
When is Guy next coming to
Tim -Worcester England

Sep. 11, 2008
Enjoyed your
performance with Peter & Tao
Seeger in Paramus, NJ.
Finally found out who you were
since I couldn't hear the intro.
Loved your banjo & guitar
playing, singing, etc.

Sep. 11, 2008
Hello Guy,
I wanted to say that i am a
huge fan of yours that came
about from the 1984 time of
BeatStreet the movie. I myself
like alot of music right across
the board i also play guitar and
attempt to write a few songs. I
do have a question but do
appreciate that you are now
concentrating on being a
professional musician. My
question is in the film
BeatStreet when you
slow dance with Dawn Rae
Chong what is the title of the
song and who performs it? I have
tried desperately to find out
this information but to no
avail..If at all you could
inform me then i would be most
Keep playing

Sep. 9, 2008
Enjoyed your
performance with Peter & Tao
Seeger in Paramus, NJ.
Finally found out who you were
since I couldn't hear the intro.
Loved your banjo & guitar
playing, singing, etc.

Aug 20, 2008
First, I must say your
live performance
surpasses all of you recorded
material. I only regret that my
friend did not make the show and
see your talents first hand.
You demonstrated mastery skill
on a variety of instruments, yet
you played at a tempo where the
crowd remained enthusiastic. I
really like the way you
validated your son, he will
always know how much you loved
him. Thank you for your
performance and signing my
guitar. I am blessed to have
Honeyboy Edwards visiting my
home next month, it will be
awesome experience to play with

Aug 11, 2008
Hearing you play
with Tao and Pete at
McDaniel the other night
was pure magic...the
prisoner rap knocked me and my
11th grade son out! Thank you
too for signing my "Liberty
Guitar". With your
permission I'd like to perform
"We All Need More Kindness in
this World" again this fall at
Majestic Theater in
Gettysburg. Thank you for
a magical night!

Aug 6, 2008
I saw Guy Davis
play with
Pete Seeger and
last night in the park in
Hillsdale, NJ. I am
a lifelong fan of Pete's, as is
my father and now are my kids.
Now, thanks to Pete, I've found
a new artist to love. Guy
Davis was spectacular and
entrenched both the kids and the
adults in the audience as only
Pete could teach someone.
What a great team they made and
I can't wait to purchase my
first Guy Davis album. It
was truly a fabulous experience
for me, my parents and my
children. Thank you, Guy

Aug 5, 2008
We were just at
your concert at the Hillsdale
Bandshell. It was great!
You now have 2 new fans.

July 24, 2008
Thanks for the great show at
River & Blues, Wagner Park, NYC!
River, boats, Lady Liberty,
sunset, warm breeze, great blues
- what more can one ask for.

July 7, 2008
Hello Guy,
Just a quick
line to say we miss you in the
UK - saw your show in Newcastle
under Lyme last year and am now
a complete convert and treat all
my friends constantly by playing
your discs! Any dates for the UK
as yet? Look forward to hearing
you again Guy, carry on giving
your brand of blues to the world
- we need it.

July 7, 2008
Hi Guy,
I'm a long time
fan and resident of Ottawa. I
first saw you perform years ago
at the Ottawa Bluesfest, and as
soon as the show was over ran
out and bought a couple of your
CDs and got you to autograph
them. Since then I have caught,
and thoroughly enjoyed your show
a couple more times, and always
check your section at the local
music store for new releases.
Unfortunately this year I didn't
get to your show as the theatre
venue only holds an audience of
231, and was at capacity. We
were very disappointed not to
have a chance this time round.
Thanks for the pleasure you've
brought through your music and
stories. And please do come back
to Ottawa soon.

May 1, 2008Good
Morning Guy,
Let me start out by saying that
it was an honor to be a part of your life during my
years while living in New Rochelle, New York. I
believe my love for music, and the arts came from
spending time with you during my summer camp days.
I just want to say thank you for encouraging me, and
helping me to understand that you can do anything.
As I think about how you would take precious time
out with those that needed help, and befriend them,
and show love; for this I am eternally
grateful. I remember
seeing you in the movie Beat Street, and how excited
I was because there was someone that would take time
out just to make someone feel about themselves, and
now reaping the good of it. Then you went on to
daytime drama, how awesome is that. I am so
proud of you Guy, and while surfing your website I
see that you have a male seed. I know that you
are so proud of your son, because I see the
qualities in him that made you who you are today.
I just wanted to reach out
and share some love. I am
now living in
P.S. I miss those times of just
talking with your parents every chance I got when
delivering the paper. Often times I wondered would
it be like if I had followed your advise, actually I
did and every road I took I was needed somewhere
else. Maybe one day I can share with you if
time permits. Thanks again Guy for just being you
Peace Gurney

May 1, 2008Guy,
Thank you so
much for 2 brilliant shows at
the Byron Bay Bluesfest @
Easter 08, in the
Jambalaya tent. Your music and
presence made my
Easter, thank you so
much, love your music,
especially the convict song with
the sound effects and the
dogs and pigs and chicken
sounds, loved it.

May 1, 2008Just wanted
to say-I saw Guy in the recapturing the banjo
project at Basingstoke Anvil
England 30th April. A
very very good evening of banjo playing.Myself and
the wife enjoyed every minute of it! Please come
back to the
UK soon!!
Matt and Veruska

April 7, 2008
Mr. Davis:
It was a good experience
witnessing your musical
performance at the Davenport
Library. I was with several
youth and I can say that your
performance was different for
them. They normally listen to
pop, soul, gospel and rap
music/radio; by the way, I do
also. Thank you for visiting the
Quad Cities.